Lift Lever Options

(See ASME Requirements at bottom of page)

Packed Lever

Packed Lever
Available on:
Series 69, 88, 740 thru 743

Packed Lift Lever Options
Item Description Material Options
Brass Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
1 Handle B16 Brass B16 Brass/Plated B16 Brass/Plated
2 Handle Screw Steel/Plated Steel/Plated Steel/Plated
3 Cam B16 Brass SA479-316 SS SA479-316 SS
4 Retaining Ring Steel/Plated 17-7 SS 17-7 SS
5 O-Rings Viton Viton Viton
6 Cam Nut B16 Brass SA479-316 SS SA479-316 SS
8 Hood B16 Brass SA108-C1018 SA479-316 SS
9 Jam Nut 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless
10 Lifter Nut B16 Brass SA479-316 SS SA479-316 SS
12* Plug 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless
14* Gag Screw 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless

*Gag Screw Option

Open Lever
(Standard on all ASME valves)

Lift Lever

Available on:
Series 69, 88, 560 thru 573, 740 thru 743

Open Lift Lever Options
Item Description Material Options
Brass Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
1 Handle C1018/Plated C1018/Plated C1018/Plated
2 Hood Anodized Alum. Anodized Alum. Anodized Alum.
3 Lifter Nut B16 Brass SA479-316 SS SA479-316 SS
4 Jam Nut 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless
5 Lift Lever Pin B16 Brass SA479-316 SS SA479-316 SS
6* Spring Optional Anti-Vibration Spring Stainless

*Anti-Vibration Spring Option

Easy Test Lever

Easy Test Lever

Available on:
Series 560 thru 573

Easy Test Lever Options
Item Description Material Options
Brass Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
1 Handle C1018/Plated C1018/Plated C1018/Plated
2 Hood B16 B16 B16
3 Lift Washer B16 Brass B16 Brass B16 Brass
4 Cotter Pin 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless 18-8 Stainless
5 Spring Post B16 B16 B16

Lifting Device as required by the ASME

ASME Section VIII: UG136(3)
Each pressure relief valve on air, water at the valve inlet that exceeds 140°F (60°C), excluding over-pressure or relief events, or steam service shall have a substantial lifting device which when activated will release the seating force on the disk when the pressure relief valve is subjected to a pressure of at least 75% of the set pressure of the valve.

Under ASME code  case 2203: 

The lift lever may be omitted providing:

1. The user has a documented procedure and an associated implementation program for the periodic removal of the relief valve for inspection, testing, and repair.
2. The user specifies that no test lever be supplied.
3. The user shall obtain permission to omit the lifting lever (device) from the authority having jurisdiction over the installation of pressure vessel.

These rules apply to valves installed in ASME Section VIII applications.

All valves used in ASME Section I (Boiler) applications require lifting levers except for those valves used in organic fluid vaporizer service.